Please read before filling inquiry form. 

Tattoo Inquiry
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Do you prefer to be contacted via
If choosing “Other”, please make sure you read about the styles and tattoos he doesn’t do, listed at the top of the form.
This will help determine your general size and how many tattoo sessions may be needed. For instance, someone who is 5’1 will need less sessions than someone who is 6’5.
Are you open to design?
This means that you will give Brandon the artistic freedom he needs to create a custom tattoo.
This box is for you to upload a picture of where the tattoo will go on YOUR body. I need to see YOUR skin type to give you an accurate quote. Please take the picture straight on with good lighting (jpg,jpeg,png,gif) have someone take the picture for you if needed.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload any photo references you have to show what tattoo you’d like to do.